“The Queen’s three “ladies” (Natalie Polito, Courtney Miller and Sarah Williams) together provided one of the best trios we’ve ever heard in a “Magic Flute” production. Applying just the right comic touch, they were a joy to hear and behold and served to keep the proceedings light and airy every time they threatened to get too serious.”
- Terry Ponick, The Washington Times
"The supporting cast is unusually strong. Natalie Polito, Courtney Miller and Sarah Williams, as the three ladies-in-waiting to the Queen, have great fun with their parts. "
- Clarke Bustard, LetterV.blogspot.com
Conductor: Mark Russell Smith
Stage Director: Michael Shell
Set and Costume Design: Troy Hourie
Lighting Design: Driscoll Otto
Wig and Makeup Design: James McGough
Photo credit: David Adam Beloff Photography